Sunday, August 30, 2020

White, black and colored jeans

Denim, a fabric so easy to put on, and yet so easy to get wrong.

Let's talk about white jeans. Even though white is a color that goes with everything (literally), it is often difficult to keep the balance with the rest of your look. I always try to have some color combinations and general outfits that I like to look more in white jeans. Still, I've always thought you can wear almost anything with white jeans if you have the right style and accessories.

Woman wearing black jacket, red purse, white jeans and black pumps

Woman wearing black top, white jeans and ligh blue pumps

Woman wearing sweater, black big purse, black jeans and black knee-high boots

Woman wearing a jacket, beige purse, pink jeans and beige pumps

Ok, let’s chat fabric. Before I forget, I warn with jeans you to always to size down because their jeans will stretch. Denim is mainly made of cotton. The rest should be made of spandex or lycra, some kind of stretch. That is why jeans will stretch. Cotton is a breathable and soft fabric, so over time it stretches and relaxes.

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